#medtech #cleantech #govtech

AccelBox is an acceleration program dedicated to early-stage startups in the MedTech, CleanTech and GovTech sectors. The program has graduated 112 graduates, whose work has resulted in 14 startups responding to the technological challenges of the program's business partners.


AccelBox is a proprietary acceleration program fitting the venture building trend.

We appreciate your business ideas.

We help you achieve commercial success while implementing projects that are important for the economy and society.

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Acceleration round

Up to 8 months of preparation your product for commercialization. Develop, test and implement your product on a public partner’s infrastructure.

Verification Day
Up to 8 o months


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Comprehensive Support

Within 6-9 months, we will help you build an MVP, test the product in a public partner environment and successfully enter the market. What's more, you get a full-time job salary working on your business at AccelBox!

Opportunity to Cooperate with Public Partners

We offer the opportunity to use your partner's infrastructure and conduct product testing and prepare for commercialization. Fruitful cooperation during MVP testing is an opportunity for the public partner to become your first client.

Support after Completing the Acceleration Program

We strive for real commercial success. We offer help in business development also after the end of financing. We are open to helping you find clients, support sales of your products and services, or obtain another round of financing

The Ability to Solve Significant Socio-economic Problems

AccelBox helps you develop your business and truly impact the world around you. Achieve satisfaction for doing something that matters for humanity and the natural environment, and at the same time successfully commercialize your product


Strategic Partners


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ACCELPOINT sp. z o.o. realizuje projekt dofinansowany z Funduszy Europejskich „Accelpoint – akcelerator inteligentnych technologii rozwiązujących problemy instytucji publicznych.” Celem projektu jest a. identyfikacja problemów, wyzwań Instytucji publicznych i możliwości ich rozwiązania; b. pozyskanie Zespołów Interdyscyplinarnych (dalej ZI) oraz wytworzenie wysokiej jakości innowacyjnych rozwiązań przez ZI w ramach utworzonego akceleratora Accelpoint; c. zapewnienie wsparcia w obszarze biznesowym i technologicznym Zespołom; d. zakończenie prac nad MVP w formie testów na infrastrukturze podmiotu publicznego. Dofinansowanie projektu z UE: 9 000 585,60 PLN Wartość projektu: 11 250 732,00 PLN

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